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Friday, October 7, 2011

Tired of the typical 'Bootcamp' class??

Bootcamp classes are on every street corner these days... kind of like Starbucks! Don't you always feel more at home and like a valued customer when you get your cup of coffee from the local boutique coffee shop? Of course you do!! So let's go at the 'class' thing from a different angle. Let's put 4-6 of you people together and do a kick-butt diverse FUSION workout of functional body-weighted strength moves with yoga-inspired flexibility & core conditioning put together in an intensive cardio format. You will actually be working out IN the gym. Your workouts will vary from one FUSION workout to the next so you won't be able to anticipate your next "shocking of the muscles". Keeping our FUSION workouts to small numbers allows for more personalized attention and the ability for Nate to see where you really need to be pushed!!
So with that said.... come workout for FREE!! You get your first FUSION Group Workout with Nate Appleby here at pillar FREE!!
Come get your butt in shape in a unique training format with personalized attention - Saturdays at pillar from 8-9am!!
Call with questions 760.479.1944 or check us out online
Get Moving!!