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Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome to YOUR Exercise and Fitness Blog

Welcome friends to YOUR Exercise and Fitness Blog! We call it this because our desire is to give you something that YOU can use. Something that can make YOUR life better and healthier. While we love what we do and we are proud of the personal training and Pilates facility we have created, this is blog is not to get extra attention for ourselves, but to offer another service to you that will hopefully increase your health and exercise knowledge, and make you healthier and stronger in the process. For this reason, we welcome your feedback and comments so that we can continue to cater this to your needs. We'll try to keep our posts short and sweet. So more to come soon. But I would like to leave you with this little exercise circuit for you to work into your routine. Try it out and tell us what you think. HAVE FUN!

Push-up with Dumbbell Row x up to 25 reps or fatigue
Dumbbell Squat x double push-up/row combo repetitions

(Assume push-up position with hands holding appropriate weighted dumbbells resting on the floor. Kneel if you can't do push-ups on your feet. Complete one push-up, then row one dumbbell followed by the other, pulling dumbbell towards chest by bending at the elbow. Don't let the back sag! Keep the abs engaged! Complete as many combinations with proper form to fatigue, maxing out at 25 reps. Stand up with dumbbells still in hand and perform squats with hands at your sides to the number that doubles your push-up/row combo total. Perform 2-4 sets total of this circuit. Always make sure proper form is maintained and the movement is "pain-free", just not "fatigue-free")

Post how it felt in the comments section! Give us your feedback!